![]() |
ST | 16 (+1 +2) | Mutations |
DX | 18 | Heightened Dexterity |
CO | 18 | HeightenedConstitution |
IN | 18 | |
WI | 12 | Become Desolid (no limit/day) |
CH | 15 | Improved Invisibility (5x/day for 10 minutes each) |
Shapeshift (1/hour duration: until next shift) | ||
Fighter/Mage | Mimic Sounds | |
Levels: 9 / 10 | ||
Hit Points: 90 | Magic Items | |
Armor Class: -5 | Helm of Teleportation | |
Thaco: 12 | Gem of True Seeing | |
Bow: 5 (Dx, 2xSpec., Elf) |
Ring of Displacement | |
Bastard Sw: 8 (Og.st.,Spec.) |
Ring of Protection +2 | |
Dagger: 9 |
Bracers of Defense AC: 2 | |
Dart Crossbow: 9 (Dx) |
Cursed Gauntlets of Ogre St. (won't come off, cause ex- Proficiencies: excessive body hair-negated by shape shifting)+3 +7 | |
Strength Bow (Ogre Strength) | ||
Damage: +2 | +2 Bastard Sword | |
Bow: + 10 (Ogre st, Specializ.) |
Bastard Sw: + 9 |
Dagger: +7 |
Dart Crossbow: +0 |
Proficiencies: | ||
Bow (Sx2) +3 +3 |
Bastard Sw. (S) +1 +2 |
Dagger |
Dart Crossbow |
Covelli Turncoat was at one time a member of the Society For Freedom. He was in the upper levels of the first order of the Society when he disappeared about the same time that many books containing research notes on the making of potions causing mutations came up missing.
While the wisdom in the tomes was not lost to the society, the books being only working copies and not originals, the Society was greatly disturbed by this turn of events. It was the first and only time that a member of the organization had left the ranks of the society in this way. They were greatly concerned, and placed a bounty of 50,000 gold pieces for his return, dead or alive.
Covelli went into hiding, escaping to the elven city of Brin. It was here that he shapechanged into a wise old mage who set up shop selling trivial magic items as a front for the magical research that he was doing in the labratory of the shop. Many of his attempts to duplicate the wisdom of Sendell's tomes have been unsucessful.
It is Covellit that was unknowingly the source of the first Undertakers, a cousin to the blobber. He would dump failed potions down the toilet, which ran directly into the sewers of the city. The sewers were infested with Gelatenous Orbs, which fed on the potions, many of which had sucrose as an ingredient. The orbs wanted more and more.
Eventually Covelli's research led to the use of electrical generators and experiments with static electricity and ways of storing it. Gelatenous Orbs, like blobbers, gain strength from electricity. By night the Orbs came up through the toilet hole and fed on the electricity.
It took Covelli quite a while to discover what was the drain upon his stores of electricity, but one fateful night he found them, now over a foot in diameter as he approached his privy. He quickly made friends with them, using electricity as a means of control, giving them electrical stimulus in exchange for doing favors for him.
He found that money was no longer a problem, as the blobs could access behind locked doors of any place in the city that had a toilet. Banks in the area experience loss of money and magic shops lose magic items from time to time, which end up in Covelli's own shop. So far no items have been traced to his shop.
Magic items are often pawned in times of financial need, so if they are traced, one can easily claim that they were bought off the street. So far, such has not been necessary. Covelli prefers spells to items, using the latter for financial gain almost exclusively.
His thirst is for power, which he intends to gain through a secret alliance with the Citadel's inhabitants. He is not important enough to personally know Abbot Brock, but has begun selling secrets to Potions of Mutation as he masters them. Few have ended up in Abbot Brock's hands.
Around his person is an anti-scrying field, which allows him to avoid discovery by the Society For Freedom. Covelli now has a band of Undertaker thugs which he grows less and less able to control as time progresses. He no longer has the power to defeat them in battle, and he knows it. His continued success depends on keeping the Undertakers fed with electricity.
As he does so, they continue to grow and multiply, smaller undertakers splitting from the parent every few weeks. This has led to more and more generators being needed, which continue to grow in size. His shop is avoided at night, an eerie whine emanating from behind its closed doors and shuttered windows. The city guards never approach it by night. Rumors abound as to what he is actually doing there at night.
Recently the Undertakers have taken to snatching people from the streets by night, partly for food and partly as they seek new parts and brains for information.
One of the Undertakers has taken on the role of leader of the growing band of creatures. He is already 14 hit dice in size, with appropriate magic use of a 3rd level mage and growing at the rate of 1 hit die every other week. This concerns Covelli greatly. Secretly he seeks a better way of controlling them and searches for a weak spot.
He realizes too late that he has made monsters that he cannot control. They are beginning to sense this as well, and grow more and more impatient with him, wanting more and more electricity for their 'family.'
Covelli is planning his escape, placing many items in his portable hole. Once ready for leaving, Covelli will teleport out of Brin for the Mountains of Doubt or perhaps to Seestadt or Innlandstadt. He just wants out before the Undertaker band turns on him.
If he leaves, with no one to operate the generators, the Undertakers will cause havok in the town.
The town guards know more about the mystery of the disappearing townsfolk than they let on. They know that the horrors come from the sewers, but are afraid that if this is known they will be forced to face them below.
One town guard described one of the creatures seen coming up through a manhole and snatching a guard up and enveloping him before he could do any real damage to it. They have put fear in the hearts of the guards, who spend their time at night almost in hiding, and always in well lit areas, which the Undertakers try to avoid.
The creatures do not like light, but take no damage from direct sunlight. They do fight at a -3 when in sunlight, due to the large light gathering eyes that they have, which are temporarily blinded during the day.
Covelli hates the Society For Freedom, and only used it as a source of power not accessable to others. He detests Sendell because of the control of people that he posesses, which Covelli sees as wrong.
Sendell has used his influence spells to change the minds of city councilmen in Grunburg to accomplish his own ends, even if his intentions are good. Covelli values personal choice above all else, and fights to protect it for himself and others.
His motivations are not all noble, however. He is very greedy and hordes away hundreds of thousands of gold pieces in his portable hole. The hole is disguised as the liner to his hat. The hole has been enchanted so as not to radiate magic when closed.
One of the Undertakers has struck out on his own, finding the way out of the sewers as the city's filth runs off into a forest stream. It will bear its first young soon. The young of the Undertaker will remain with its parent until it reaches 2 hit dice, whereupon it takes off on its own.
Undertakers have no male and female gender, reproducing asexually. This particular Undertaker is especially odd in that it likes water, and has taken up residence in a forest lake not too far from Brin, feeding on fish and fishermen alike. It has 6 hit dice, and is able to capsize a small fishing boat and devour its owner. The Undertaker has 3 fishermen's brains and thus knowledge of the area as well as fishing in general. It likes to attack with nets as well, using them to good advantage.
Like a plague, the Undertakers have begun their slow infection of the land. They are like living undead in nature, though they cannot be turned by priests. The creatures have a love for cheese.
Several cheesemakers have been killed. This could be said to be their weakness. They especially love the stinkier varieties such as limburger, making for a characteristic scent when they are near.
When Undertakers move, they leave a trail of ooze that often smells of this limburger. Any dog worth its feed can sniff one out by this odor. They hate tomatoes, as the acid is very harmful to them. They take up to 1d6 per tomatoe thrown at them. These last two characteristics can make for some amusing situations if used right by the gamemaster.