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  in any format whatsoever, with the provisos that his name be forever
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  must remain attached to the main text.
  I. Marc Carlson
  26 January 1994
  British Slang -- Lower Class and Underworld
                   19th Century
        c  = Cant
        cb = (Cockney) Back-slang
        cr = (Cockney) Rhyming slang
        sh = Shelta, or Tinker
        r  = Romany (n.b., not true Rom, but linguistically descended from
        b  = Boxing
  Abbess              Female brothel keeper. A Madame.
  Abbot               The husband, or preferred man of an Abbess.
  Alderman            Half-Crown
  Area                The below-ground servant's entrance in the front
                      of many London town-houses. (Not underworld slang)
  Area Diving         A method of theft that necessitates sneaking down area
                      steps, and stealing from the lower rooms of houses.
  Bacca-pipes         Whiskers curled in small, close ringlets.
  Barkers,            Guns. Pistols, esp. Revolvers.
   (Barking Irons)
  Beak                Magistrate
  Beak-hunting        Poultry stealing
  Bearer up           Person that robs men who have been decoyed by a woman
  Beef (v)            Raise hue-and-cry
  Beef                Thief. (cr) = Hot Beef! = Stop Thief!
  Bend                Waistcoat, vest
  Betty               A type of lockpick
  Billy               Handkerchief (often silk)
  Bit Faker           A coiner.  A counterfeiter of coins.
  Blackleg            A person who will work, contrary to a strike.  In the
                      Colonies they are called Scabs.
  Blag                To steal or snatch, usually a theft, often by
  Blob, on the        Begging by telling hardluck stories.
  Blooming, Bloody,   are forms of profanity not heard in polite
   (Blasted, etc.)    company (Today they've been replaced in prestige with
                      "Fucking", which is really too bad.)
  Blow                Inform.
  Blower              Informer.  Also a disrepectful term for a girl.
  Bludger             A violent criminal; one who is apt to use a bludgeon.
  Blue Bottle         A policeman
  Boat, get the;      To be sentanced to transportation (obs.). To
   (Boated)           receive a particularly harsh sentence.
  Bone, Bene          (Pronounced Bone and Benneh?)  Good or profitable.
  Bonnet              A covert assistant to a Sharp
  Broad Arrow         The arrow-like markings on a prison convict's uniform.
                      "Wearing the broad arrow" = In prison.
  Broads              Playing cards. Ex. "Spreading the broads" = playing a
                      game of cards)
  Broading            Cheating at cards
  Broadsman           A card Sharper
  Bruiser             A Boxer (b)
  Buck Cabbie         A dishonest cab driver
  Bug hunting         Robbing, or cheating drunks.  Esp. at night.
  Bull                Five shillings
  Buor                A woman
  Buttoner            A sharper's assistant who entices dupes.
  Buzzing             Stealing, esp. Picking Pockets.
  Candle to the devil,
     To hold a        To be evil
  Cant                A present; a free meal or quantity of some article.
                      Also the creole and jargon spoken by thieves and the
                      "surplus population."
  Cant of togs        A gift of clothing.
  Caper               A criminal act, dodge or device.
  Cash Carrier        A pimp, ponce or whore's minder.
  Chapel, the         Whitechapel.
  Chat                a Louse (a singluar of Lice).
  Chaunting           Singing; also informing
  Chaunting lay       Street singing (hopefully for money)
  Chavy               Child
  Chink               Money
  Chiv, shiv          Knife, razor or sharpened stick (r)
  Choker              Clergyman.  "Gull a choker"
  Christen            To remove identifying marks from, to make like new
                      again.  "Christen a watch."
  Church              To remove identifying marks from, to make like new
                      again.  "Church a watch."
  Cly faking          To pick a pocket, especially of its handkerchief
                      (for which there was a ready market)
  Cockchafer          An especially build treadmill in the 'Steel
  Coiner              A coin counterfeiter
  Cokum (n & adj)     Opportunity, advantage, shrewd, cunning.
  Cool                Look, look at this/it. (cb)
  Coopered            Wornout, useless
  Coopered Ken        A bad place for a stick up.
  Cop, Copper         A policeman
  Couter              Pound (money)
  Cove                A man
  Crabshells          Shoes
  Cracksman           A Burgler, a safecracker.  One who clracks of
                      breaks locks.  A whole genre of thief.
  Crapped             hung, hanged.
  Crib                A building, house or lodging.  The location of a gaol.
  Crimping shop       A waterfron lodging house, esp. one associated with
                      the forcable impressment of seamen.
  Crooked cross,
     to play the      To betray, swindle or cheat.
  Crow                A lookout.  A doctor.
  Crusher             A policeman
  Dab                 bed (cb).  "To dab it up with_____" = to engage in
                      carnal acts with ___.
  Dabeno              Bad
  Daffy               A small measure, esp. of spiritous liquers.
  Deadlurk            Empty premises.
  Deaner              A shilling. (Etymologially descended from the
                      Dinarious, or ancient silver penny of Britain...)
  Deb                 Bed (cb)
  Demander            One who gains monies through menace.
  Derbies             (Pronounced Darbies).  Handcuffed
  Device              Tuppence
  Deuce Hog           2 shillings
   (Duce Hog)
  Devil's claws       The broad arrows on a convict's prison uniform.
  Dewskitch           A beating
  Didikko             Gypsies; half breed gypsies (r). (From Didikai, a
                      Rom contraction of Dik akai, or "look here")
  Dillo               Old (cb)
  Dimmick             A base coin, counterfeit
  Ding (v & n)        Throw away, pass on.  Any object that has been so
                      treated. Ex. "Knap the ding" or to take something
                      that has been thrown out.
  Dipper              Pickpocket
  Dispatches          Loaded dice
  Dobbin              Ribbon
  Dollymop            A prostitute, often an amateur or a part-time street
                      girl; a midinette.
  Dollyshop           A low, unlicenced loan shop or pawn shop.
  Don                 A distinguished/expert/clever person; a leader
  Dookin              Palmistry
  Down                Suspicion.
                      "To put down on someone" means to inform on that
                      person's plans.  While "To take the down of a ticker"
                      means to Christen a watch.
  Do Down             To beat someone badly, punishing them with your fists.
  Downer              Sixpence.
  Downy               Cunning, false.
  Drag (1)            A three month gaol sentence.
  Drag (2)            A street
  Dragsman            A thief who steals from carriages.
  Drum                A building, house or lodging; the location of a gaol.
  Dub (1)             Bad (cb)
  Dub (2)             Key, lockpick
  Duce                Tuppence
  Duckett             A street hawker or vendor's licence.
  Duffer              A seller of supposedly stolen goods.  Also a Cheating
                      Vendor or hawker.
  Dumplin             A swindling game played with skittles
  Dumps               Buttons and other Hawkers small wares.
  Dunnage             Clothes
  E.O.                A fairground gambling game
  Escop               Policeman (cb)
   (Esclop, Eslop)
  Fadge               Farthing
  Fakement            a Device or pretence (especially a notice or
                      certificate to facilitate begging).
  Family, the         The criminal Underworld, also Family People.
  Fan                 To delicately feel someone's clothing, while it is
                      still being worn, to search for valuables.
  Fancy, the          The brethren of the boxing ring.
  Fawney              Ring
  Fawney-dropping     A ruse whereby the villian pretends to find a ring
                      (which is actually worthless) and sells it as a
                      Possibly valuable article at a low price.
  Fine wirer          A highly skilled pickpocket
  Finny               Five pound note
  Flag                An apron
  Flam                A lie
  Flash (v & adj)     Show, Showy (as in "Show-off," or "Flashy"); smart;
                      something special.
  Flash house         A public house patronized by criminals.
  Flash notes         Paper that looks, at a glance, like bank-notes
  Flat                A person who is flat is easily deceived.
  Flatch              Ha'penny
  Flats               Playing cards, syn. Broads.
  Flimp               A snatch pickpocket.  Snatch stealing in a crowd.
  Flue Faker          Chimney sweep
  Flummut             Dangerous
  Fly, on the         Something done quickly.
  Flying the Blue
    Pidgeon           Stealing roof lead.
  Flying the Mags     The game of "Pitch and Toss"
  Fogle               A silk handkerchief
  Fushme              Five shillings
  Gaff                Show, exhibition, fair
                      "Penny Gaff" - Low, or vulgar theatre.
  Gallies             Boots
  Gammon              Deceive
  Gammy               False, undependable, hostile
  Garret              Fob pocket in a waistcoat
  Garrote (v & n)     A misplaced piano wire, and how it was misplaced.
  Gatter              Beer
  Gattering           A public house
  Gegor               Begger
  Gen                 Shilling
  Glim                (1) Light or fire. (2) Begging by depicting oneself
                      as having been burnt out of one's home. (3) Venereal
  Glock               Half-wit
  Glocky              Half-witted
  Gonoph              A minor thief, or small time criminal
  Granny              Understand or recognize
  Gravney             A Ring
  Grey, Gray          A coin with two identical faces
  Griddling           Begging, peddling, or scrounging
  Growler             A four wheeled cab
  Gulpy               Gullible, easily duped.
  Half inch           Steal (From pinch) (cr)
  Hammered for life   Married
  Hard up             Tobacco
  Haybag              Woman
  Haymarket Hector    Pimp, ponce or whore's minder; especially around the
                      areas of Haymarket and Leicester Squares.
  Hoisting            Shoplifting
  Holywater sprinkler A cudgel spiked with nails.
  Huey, Hughey        A town or village.
    to take the       Syn. To take the Cake or to take the Biscuit.
                      Also to be most excellent, as in Huntley and Palmer's
  Hykey               Pride.
  Irons               Guns esp. Pistols or revolvers.
  Jack                Detective
  Jemmy               (1) Smart (2) of Superior class (3) an housebreaker's
  Jerry               A Watch
  Jerryshop           Pawnbrokers
  Joey                A fourpence piece
  Jolly               Disturbance or Fracas
  Judy                A woman, specifically a prostitute
  Jug loops           Locks of hair brought over the temples and curled (a
                      hairstyle that thankfully died out later in the period).
  Julking             Singing (as of caged songbirds)
  Jump                A ground floor window, or a burglary committed through
                      such a window.
  Kanurd              Drunk
  Kecks               Trousers
  Ken                 House or other place, esp. a lodging or public house.
  Kennetseeno         Bad, stinking, putrid -- Malodorous.
  Kennuck             Penny
  Kidsman             An organizer of child thieves
  Kife                Bed
  Kinchen-lay         Stealing from children
  Kingsman            A coloured or black handkerchief.
  Knap                To steal, take or receive
  Knapped             Pregnant
  Knob                "Over and under" a fairground game used for swindling.
  Know life, to       To be knowledgable in criminal ways
  Lackin, Lakin       Wife
  Ladybird            A Prostitute
  Lag                 A convict or Ticket-of-leave man; To be sentenced to
                      transportation or penal servitude.
  Lamps               Eyes
  Laycock, Miss       Female sexual organs
    (or Lady)
  Lavender, in        (1) To be hidden from the police, (2) to be pawned,
                      (2) to be put away, (3) to be dead.
  Lay                 A method, system or plan
  Leg                 A dishonest person, a sporting cheat or tout.
  Lill                Pocketbook
  London Particular   Thick London "Pea Soup" fog
  Long-Tailed         A banknote worth more than 5 pounds is said to be
                      "long tailed"
  Luggers             Ear rings
  Lumber              (1) Unused, or second-hand furniture (2) To pawn
                      (3) To go into seclusion (4) To be in lumber is
                      to be in gaol.
  Lump Hotel          Work House
  Lurk                (1) A place of resorting to or concealment in
                      (2) A scheme or method
  Lurker              A criminal of all work, esp. a begger, or someone
                      who uses a beggar's disguise.
  Lush                An alcoholic drink.
  Lushery             A place where a lush may be had.  A low public house
                      or drinking den.
  Lushing Ken         See Lushery
  Lushington          A drunkard
  Macer               A cheat
  Mag                 Ha'pence
  Magflying           Pitch and toss
  Magsman             An inferior cheat
  Maltooler           A pickpocket who steals while riding an omnibus, esp.
                      from women.
  Mandrake            a Homosexual
  Mark                The victim
  Mary Blaine         Railway Train (cr); to meet a train or to travel via
  Mauley              Handwriting, signature
  Mecks               Wine or spirits
  Milltag             Shirt
  Miltonian           Policeman
  Min                 Steal
  Mitting             Shirt
  Mizzle              Quit, Steal, or Vanish
  Mobsman             A swindler or pickpocket, usually well-dressed.
                      Originally one of the "Swell Mob"
  Mollisher           A woman, often a villain's mistress
  Monkery             the Country
  Monniker            Signature
  Mot                 Woman, esp. the proprietress of a lodging or public
  Moucher, Moocher    A rural vagrant.  A gentleman of the road.
  Mouth               (1) Blabber (2) A Fool
  Mug-hunter          A street robber or footpad.   Hence the modern "Mugger"
  Mumper              Begger or scrounger
  Mutcher             A thief who steals from drunks
  Muck Snipe          A person who is "down and out"
  Nail                Steal
  Nancy               Buttocks
  Nebuchadnezzar      Male sexual organs; "to put Nebuchadnezzar out to
                      grass" means to engage in sexual intercourse.
  Neddy               Cosh
  Nemmo               Woman (cb)
  Nethers             Lodging charges, rent
  Newgate Knockers    Heavily greased side whiskers curling back to, or
                      over the ears
  Netherskens         Low lodging houses, flophouses
  Nibbed              Arrested
  Nickey              Simple in the head
  Nobble              The inflicting of grievious bodily harm
  Nobbler             (1) One who inflicts grevious bodily harm
                      (2) A sharper's confederate
  Nommus!             Get away! Quick!
  Nose                Informer or Spy
  Nubbiken            A sessions courthouse
  On the fly          While in motion or quickly
  Onion               A watch seal
  Out of twig         Unrecognized or in disquise
  Outsider            An instrument, resembling needle nosed pliers, used
                      for turning a key in a lock from the wrong side.
  Pack                A night's lodging for the very poor
  Paddingken          A tramp's lodging house
  Pall                Detect
  Palmer              Shoplifter
  Patterer            Someone who earns by recitation or hawker's sales
                      talk, esp. by hawking newspapers
  Peter               A box, trunk or safe.
  Pidgeon             A victim
  Pig                 A policeman, usually a detective
  Pit                 Inside front coat pocket
  Plant               A victim
  Pogue               A purse or prize
  Prad                Horse
  Prater              A bogus itinerate preacher
  Prig                (1) A thief (2) To steal
  Puckering           Speaking in a manner that is incomprehensible to
  Punishers           Superior nobblers.  Men employed to give severe
  Push                Money
  Racket              Illicit occupation or tricks
  Rampsman or Ramper  A tearaway or hoodlum
  Randy, on the       On the Spree or otherwise looking for companionship
  Rasher-wagon        Frying pan
  Ray                 1/6 (one and six-pence)
  Reader              Pocketbook or wallet
  Ream                Superior, real, genuine, good.
  Ream Flash Pull     A significant heist
  Ream Swag           Highly valuable stolen articles
  Reeb                Beer (cb)
  Roller              A thief who robs drunks or a prostitute who steals
                      from a her clientele.
  Rook                A type of jemmy
  Rookery             Slum or ghetto
  Rothschild, to come to the   To brag and pretend to be rich.
  Rozzers             Policemen
  Ruffles             Handcuffs
  Saddle              Loaf
  St. Peter's Needle  Severe discipline
  Salt Box            The Condemned Cell
  Sawney              Bacon
  Scaldrum dodge      Begging by means of feigned, or self-inflicted wounds
  Scran               Food
  Scratch an itch     (cr) Bitch
  Screever            A writer of fake testimonials; a forger
  Srew                Skeleton Key
  Screwing            A sub-genre of Cracking; burglary by means of skeleton
                      keys, waxing keys, or picking locks.
  Screwsman           A burglar versed in screwing
  Scroby              Flogging in gaol
  Scurf               An exploitive employer or gang-leader
  Servant's lurk      A lodging or public house used by shady or dismissed
  Shake lurk          Begging under the pretence of being a shipwrecked
  Shallow, work the   Begging while half naked.
  Shant               A pot or tumbler
  Sharp               A (card) swindler
  Shevis              A shift, a type of garment.
  Shinscraper         The Treadmill
  Shirkster           A layabout
  Shiver and shake    (cr) A cake
  Shivering Jemmy     A half naked begger
  Shoful              (1) Bad or counterfeit (2) An hansom cab
  Shofulman           A coiner or passer of bad money.
  Skipper             One who sleeps in hedges and outhouses
  Skyrocket           (cr) Pocket (rarely used)
  Slang cove          A showman
  Slap-Bang Job       A night cellar (pub) frequented by thieves, and where
                      no credit is given.
  Slum                (1) False, sham, a faked document, etc. (2) To cheat
                      (3) To pass bad money.
  Smasher             Someone who passes bad money.
  Smatter Hauling     Stealing Handkerchiefs
  Snakesman           A slightly built (boy) criminal used in burglary and
  Snells              A hawker's wares
  Snide               Counterfeit; counterfeit coins or jewels.
  Snide pinching      Passing bad money
  Snoozer             A thief that specializes in robbing hotel rooms with
                      sleeping guests.
  Snowing             Stealing linen, clothes, etc, that have been hung out
                      to dry.
  Soft                Paper money (i.e., "to do some soft" means to pass
                      bad paper money.)
  Speeler             Cheat or a gambler
  Spike               Workhouse
  Sprat               Six pence
  Spreading the
    Broads            Three card monte.
  Square rigged       Soberly and respectfully dressed.
  Swell               An elegantly, or stylishly dressed gentleman.
  Tail                Prostitute
  Tatts               Dice, False Dice
  Tea Leaf            Thief (cr)
  Terrier Crop        Short, bristly haircut (denoting a recent stay in
                      a prison or a workhouse)
  Teviss              Shilling
  Thicker             A Sovereign or a Pound
  Thick 'Un           A Sovereign
  Tightener           A meal. "To do a Tightener" to take a Meal.
  Titfer/Titfertat    Hat (cr)
  Toff                An elegantly, or stylishly dressed gentleman.
  Toffer              A superior whore.
  Toffken             A house containing well-to-do occupants.
  Toke                Bread
  Tol                 Lot (cb), a Share.
  Toolers             Pickpockets
  Tooling             Skilled Pickpocket
  Toper               Road
  Topped              Hung
  Topping             A hanging
  Translators         Secondhand apparel, especially Boots.
  Trasseno            An evil person
  Tuppeny             Head (cr. from Loaf of Bread)
   (Tuppeny Loaf)
  Twirls              Keys, esp skeleton keys.
  Twist               Girl (cr)
   (Twist and Twirl)
  Under and Over      A fairground game that's easy to swindle people
  Vamp                To Steal or Pawn.  "In for a vamp" to be jailed
                      for stealing
  Voker               Speak (r)
  Voker Romeny?       "Pardon me, but do you speak Thieve's Cant?"
  Weeping Willow      Pillow (cr)
  Whistle and Flute   Suit (cr)
  Work Capitol        Commit a crime punishable by death.
  Yack                A watch
  Yennap              A Penny.

        The Unquiet Grave, Cyril Connolly. 
       All my own material is Copyright (c) 
          by David Crowhurst 1995, 1996
       All other material is Copyright (c)
              the original authors