The Sanai vampire do not need blood to survive. They do so just fine on human food. If they do strike, it is out of vengence or to drain life from their victim when they are hurt badly. The Sanai vampire cannot change into the form of a bat. Rather, they can transform into the form of a vapor. They are very quick, accounting for their excellent armor class. They cannot be outrun by humans. The Sanai only hunt humans for sport, and this only if the victim is a worthy foe, unless they are provoked or crossed. They fear no one except for others of their kind or other vampires of higher orders, both of which know how to kill a Sanai once and for all, through the use of acid or fire. From these things a Sanai cannot regenerate, but must heal from them over time like a normal human recovering from a wound. In the city of Grunburg, the Sanai are not all that uncommon, particularly among the upper class. Many of these are vampires by choice, having paid dearly in cash for immortality. Other than for love, vampires only create others of their kind for their own benefit, which usually takes the form of tremendous wealth, but hey, you can't take it with you. The Sanai just prefer not to go in the first place. Within the city, the undead are for the most part lively partiers, celebrating the life that they have, cheating death. They lead very immoral lives, becoming more carnal and sensual as time goes on. Their selfishness increases over time as well. Many of the older Sanai eventually find someplace to be alone with their wealth and their thoughts. The real killer of the Sanai is boredom. After several hundred years, traditionally the Sanai kill themselves once they have seen it all and settle into deep depression. Such is not the case with the Sanai of the magipunk age. There are endless new things to see and do and they want to do it all. Fortunately for them, they have all the time in the world. If one can befriend a Sanai, they can profit one greatly. By and large they are trustworthy sorts, but serve their own ends. They will often have one or more hidden agendas when they make deals, many of which may be long-term in nature. The Sanai have the time to see a plan mature, but lack the patience often. They are used to having what they want now.