![]() The punks' most feared asassins call themselves the nightshades. They learn the disciplines of the deathknight, with all of their abilities. Among these are the ability to drain life points from their victims. These points add to the life score for a number of days equal to their level. If a nightshade is in the presence of a creature when it dies, it gains its full hit points. Deathknights have a limit to the number of points that they can absorb, dependent upon their level. If a nightshade is present at an intellegent creature's death, they may hold its spirit, torturing it for knowledge and probing its mind for up to 1 hour/level of the nightshade. Higher level nightshades gain the ability to imitate the voice, appearance, and mannerisms of the victim, enabling it to emulate every aspect of the victim. The knightshade's disposition rivals that of an anti-palladin for sheer evil when on an assignment, though in normal life they may act quite normal and friendly. They are fiercely loyal to their cause and cannot be turned to another coarse.