We will be following the (mis)adventures of our heroes, most of which have yet to choose fantasy-sounding names (despite my handy list provided in the main page), which for the moment will be known simply as Dave, Jim, Tony, and Wayne. You are getting a rare fishbowl's-eye view of the action as it progresses from week to week. Anyway, without furthur ado, the adventure [drumroll]...Landship Katrina
For those of you playing in my world, stay out of the DM's notes sections
please, or there will be minschons, LOTS
of minschons. You know who you are.
I don't have time to do complete writeups of both the DM's outlines AND report what happened, so what I will do, beginning with week3 is to insert text into the DM's notes describing any interesting deviations from the outline that happened in the course of the game. This text will be dark green.