The BlobberFrequency: Rare Ecology of the BlobberThe blobber is a curious mass, usually assuming the form of a blob of ooze that rolls along the floor, its oversized bluish eyes seeming to float to the top of it. It feeds on bones, but has been known to eat plants when hungry. It can devour small rodents for food as well, but prefers a more pure form of calcium. Its high armor class is due to the exterme dexterity of the creature. It can avoid most attacks by simply moving out of the way or dividing itself into multiple parts. It is purple in color with white mottled areas over its surface. It is very intellegent, and will often converse with passers by, especially if coaxed with a bit of food. If one attempts to hit one with a sword, it will either divide just before the sword hits or move to one side. They are very hard to hit, and harder still to damage. They only take damage from attacks based on fire, bases, or certain magic spells. They prefer dark, damp places to make their home, especially in dungeons, where dead bodies are common. Often they will be in the vacinity of some powerful monster in a dungeon, feeding on the carrion left behind. They are not hostile, except when extremely hungry. They can converse in the common tongue. When encountered, they will often first be detected by the tendency that they have to hum and sing to themselves. As said, unless attacked, they are for the most part harmless. If not mistreated, they can be a valuable source of information in a dungeon setting, again if bribed with food. They will often give false information unless they see it in their best interest to tell the truth. They will often lead a party to their doom, hoping to feast on the remains of the party. The creature's mouth can open anywhere on its body, digesting with the potent acid within its body. Touching one will do 2d6 in damage from acid which wets its body at all times. If a supply of food is continued, it can serve as a useful pet. It can track as a slithering tracker, and is, in fact, a distant relative to the latter. Its digestive juices are far more potent however. It can climb walls, and ooze through spaces only 1/2 inch wide. They like water, and often feed on fish in it. Upon entering the water, all fish thereing will die within 1 minute/ 10'^2. The blobber then eats the remains. It can direct a small squirt of acid up to 10', its only real attack (5' if in water at the time). It can reproduce quickly, and can easily become a pest. It multiplies at the rate of 1-4 offspring per week if in the vacinity of a male of the species, and provided that it has enough food. The young are merely divisions off of the parent. They are born ready to kill on their own, with few survival skills taught fromt the parent. They will only stay with the parent for a few days, and then live on their own. If treated well, blobbers have been known to follow a party member around as long as fed well. They are particularly useful inasmuch as they can get into small places and get information for the party. They will only relay the message if food is offered, and, if any danger seems present, will only put themselves at risk with food in advance ("Would you do it for a Scooby snack?"). Children have been known to keep them as pets, but little is commonly known about them and thus they are seen as potentially dangerous. When bored, they will begin to hum in a fairly high pitched tone, which can prove annoying when sneaking around. Gremlins keep them as watch creatures, and regard them as friends. Blobbers range in size from, on the smaller end, 1" wide (babies) and up to 10' across (ancient adults). They have 1hd per foot diameter of the blob. Some have been known to grow to the size of up to 20' in diameter, having up to 20hd, though this is rare. Electrical attacks actually give them additional hit points at the rate of 1/2 damage that would have been done. They have a distinctive smell of strong vinegar. If hungry, they sometimes hang from above a well traveled hall and wait to drop on a victim. A direct hit from one of the larger blobbers spells almost certain death. As they mature, they become more aggressive, mostly due to their ever increasing hunger. If they have just eaten, they are passive and friendly. They are extremely strong, having a surprisingly tough exterior when desired. Their mass can change density, somewhat like cornstarch paste that can ooze until rubbed, when it takes on a solid form. They open doors/bend bars/lift gates at 10% per hit die of the creature. They can eat through metal and many types of rock, and are used often in the construction of dungeons by those that know their secret. They, being very intellegent, can be trained to make dungeons and tunnels quickly if they are of the larger variety, and assuming that they are kept well fed. Many times they will have withing their gelatenous form treasure consisting of coins, gems, and other things that it can offer for food in desperation to satisfy their ravenous appetite. Some blobbers have been known to take a liking to their masters, to the extent that they will follow them around. They have a fairly good movement rate, slithering around, and bouncing over obstacles. A blobber can leap up to 8' high and up to 10' over pits, etc. They have the ability to bounce, or rebound if falling a large distance up to half again higher than their original height.