Tavern Information
LocationSoulford:Located near the docks at the abbey
Services and AmenitiesFood, Drink, and Lodgings:The Barking Boar Inn serves typical foods and beverages that you would find in most inns, as well as some specialty drinks and local cuisine. Lodging is available.
Hours of OperationMostly daylight hours:One can only enter or exit the inn during daylight hours because of the creatures that stalk the streets of Soulford at night. While the doors are locked and the ground floor windows are shuttered after dark, the common rooms are available at any time, and the bar and entertainment are anything but quiet most evenings, well into the wee hours of the morning.
Types of People/Creatures Frequenting the TavernMostly locals before dark, mostly travelers at night:There isn't much to do in Soulford, so the locals frequently enjoy a pint at the inn until "first call" when the sun goes down. If someone is pretty drunk and they don't think they can make it home safely, they can stay overnight in the shared bedrooms downstairs for just 1 silver piece. Others are shooed out and the doors are locked. After dark, travellers often stay the night and enjoy drinking, axe throwing, and playing cards, though gambling is prohibited for card players because of past squabbles and Amriel's dim view on gambling in general.
Atmosphere of the Tavern/DecorCheerful:The inn is painted in saturated colors, bring a bit of cheer in a town that has more than its share of troubles. The furniture is sturdy, but simple. The bar is ornately carved, and when things are slow and the glasses are cleaned and the bar wiped down, you may find Amriel adorning the support beams and bar by adding to their intricate carvings. She is very skilled at this craft which she learned from her father, who was a toymaker.
Who Owns/Runs the TavernAmriel the Penitent:![Amriel the Penitent](/images/characters/clerics-priests-necromancers-shamans/cleric-amriel-the-penitent-348x.png)
Amriel is a female elven cleric who was kicked out of the abbey, but remains closed-mouthed about why.
Security/Bouncer/How Order MaintainedGresh and Bailka, half-orc bartenders:There is no need for a bouncer at The Boar's Head Inn to maintain order. Instead, Gresh and Bailka provide their customers with a welcoming atmosphere and a safe place to stay the night. They regularly help resolve disputes among customers and maintain a welcoming and upbeat atmosphere.
They also use a range of cunning strategies, such as providing complimentary beverages that are brewed with magic to have a calming effect to people who are making a disturbance. Those who drink them are usually groggy and just want to sleep within minutes.
They employ less than subtle body language backed up with cudgels beneath the bar to enforce the inn's strict zero-tolerance policy against violence. They are both former adventurers and can handle themselves against all but the most seasoned veterans.
"Take it out on the fey abominations!" they are fond of saying to the roudiest of customers.
Entertainment/MusicCassiel Springsong (bard)
![Cassiel Springsong (bard)](/images/characters/bards/bard-cassiel-springsong-348x.png)
Cassiel is an elven bard with an angelic voice. She keeps the crowd singing and stomping their feet late into the night with her bawdy tunes from Asterland and beyond.
Rules and RegulationsLimited:
- Profanity is allowed except for taking a god's name in vain. After all, the proprietor is a cleric.
- No outside food or drinks are allowed.
- Pets must be on a leash and well-controlled.
- No harassing the staff, especially entertainers and musicians.
- Children must be supervised at all times.
- The use of spice or other drugs will get you kicked out... literally.
- Card playing is allowed, but the only acceptable gambling is on axe throwing contests.
Price RangeAverageThe cost of food and drinks are typical for Asterland:
- Basic Meal of stew and bread: 5 copper pieces
- Good meal of meat, potatoes, and vegetables: 1 silver piece
- Tankard of ale: 1 silver piece
- Mug of ale: 3 copper pieces
- Bottle of average quality wine: 1 silver piece
- Bottle of exotic or fine quality wine: 5 silver piece
Happy Hour/Drink SpecialsOn-tap ale:Between 4:00 PM until 5:00 PM, ale is buy one, get one for half price.
Payment Options
Travellers:Payment is required in advance.
Locals:Those who are trusted can have a tab that must be paid at the end of the night.
Specialty Alcohol and Coffees
Alcoholic drinks:
The Boar’s Head Inn is known for its unique and flavorful ale selection. They have a variety of ales from different regions and cultures, including...
- Barton's Bane: a smoky and spicy ale from the south
- Devil's Stout: a dark and flavorful stout imported from the Eastlands
- Cloud Mead: Mead, a sweet and fruity mead from the lands beneath Mirril.
- They also offer a selection of wines from around the world. More exotic vintages are available upon request.
Exotic coffees and teas:
- Greenskin Brew: roasted Eastlands beans, cinnamon, and nutmeg are combined to create a dark, spicy coffee.
- Pointy-eared Perk: A light and sweet coffee brewed with unusual elf beans, honey, and cardamom is called an elven elixir.
- Bailka's Oolong: This powerful and earthy oolong tea is created with orcish tea leaves, ginger, cloves, and cinnamon.
- Northman's Delight: Made with roasted dwarven beans, hazelnuts, and vanilla, this coffee is creamy and nutty.
- Dragon's Breath: A robust coffee flavored with cinnamon, chocolate, hot chili peppers, and 120 proof vodka.
Menu/Food SpecialtiesThe foods served at The Boar's Head Inn are distinctive and tasty. They provide a variety of uncommon quisines, such as:
- Boar's Head Stew: A filling stew made with vegetables and succulent bits of swine cooked in a flavorful broth
- Dragon Pie: A generous portion of delicious meat pie stuffed with a combination of mushrooms, spices, and big chunks of "dragon flesh" (actually pork, patterned with a searing scaled flatiron)
- Goblin Mushroom Soup: A creamy soup flavored with herbs and spices and cooked with mushrooms
- Apple Cake: a decadent cake flavored with cinnamon, almonds, and apples.
- Elven Honey Bread: a delicious loaf of bread baked with honey, almonds, and dried fruit
- Gresh's Roasted Roots: roasted root vegetables (potatoes, carrots, and sunchokes) with garlic and herbs, often served with seasoned breadsticks
Bar Games/Gambling Offered
Axe Toss:As the name would suggest, contestants take turns throwing axes at a target nailed to straw bales on the south side of the bar. If you can hit another man's axe, you get an extra attempt, and you can keep the best throw.
Gambling:The only wagering that is allowed is on axe toss, and wagers are capped at 1 silver piece in order to keep the stakes lowe enough that everyone leaves as friends.
Game TournamentsDaily Horseshoe Competitions:Each day, about an hour before sunset the inn hosts a barbeque with a horeseshoe competition. The winner gets a free steak dinner and gets to dance with their choice of Amriel, Gresh, Bailka, or Cassiel.
Regular EventsNightly Monster Spotting:Patrons enjoy spotting the fey creatures that prowl from duck to dawn from the top floor of the inn, where telescopes are mounted. Strong drinks are served here at a small bar.
Patrons are encouraged to shoot at any creatures they spot with bow, crossbow, or spell. For any hit, a patron receives a free drink. If they kill a creature, they win a free tankard of ale or bottle of spirits.
This is a big sport in Soulford, and a leader board is proudly hung behind the main bar downstairs where the kill of the week is posted. Former adventurers and travellers compete for the most kills and most recent kill. This sport even brings in adventurers, and it helps to keep the undead fey in check.
Rooms for Rent/Drunk AccomodationsPrivate rooms and hostel:Lodging costs 1 silver piece for a bunk in the shared sleeping quarters in the basement or 5 silver pieces for a comfortable private room on the second floor. For 2 silver pieces per day, you can rent a locked cabinet where you can leave your valuables behind the bar, which is relatively secure, since once the bar is closed, patrons must go to their rooms. A guard mastiff roams the common areas and will alert the staff if anyone leaves their room after hours.
Restrooms:For all lodgings, a privy is provided which empties into barrels for later emptying, so you won't have to leave the inn to use the restroom.
Lounge Areas
Indoors:Couches line the outside walls surrounding the dining tables in the center of the room.
Outdoors:There are a number of comfortable chairs outside near the fire pit and horseshoe pit.
Outdoor DiningTables and Chairs:There are a few tables and benches where one can dine during the day, though one must pay a 1 silver piece deposit to take plates, silverware, and mugs outside.
Outdoor ActivitiesHorseshoes and Fire PitThrowing horseshoes is a popular pasttime, as is sitting around the fire during the dusk hours before the sun goes down. Many a tall tale are spun here, and travellers are invited to tell tales of their travels and adventures.
Delivery/Carry-Out OptionsLimited:Some locals arrange in advance for food to be delivered to them at their residence for 2 copper pieces above the usual cost of the food. Catering is available for larger groups.
Club MembershipDiscount:Purchasing a membership for 5 gold pieces per year provides one with a 10% discount on drinks, and double drink bonus for Monster Spotting activities.
Age Restrictions/Kid MenuLimited age restrictions:The policy is that if you can see over the bar without climbing on a stool, you're old enough to drink.
Race/Species/Class RestrictionsAll races are welcome here:The bartenders are both half-orc, and they do not put up with poor treatment of anyone based on their race or species. The inn's staff keep a close eye on rogues and bards because of past shennanigans and theft.
Age and History of TavernOld, but recently renovated:The inn has been around for over 100 years, but it had become dilapidated and run down. When Amriel was ejected from the abbey a decade ago, she bought the inn and fully renovated it. She painted the interior in brilliant colors to make it more happy feeling, decorating it with stencils of leaves and flowers. She replaced the furniture with comfortable, sturdy tables and chairs. She built a stage for entertainers and hired Cassiel to entertain, a bard who brings in the locals with her beautiful voice and fun crowd-pleasing songs.